Facial aging can happen sooner than you’d like, no matter how many candles were on this year’s birthday cake. Wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin are an unwelcome sight in your mirror, whether you’re in your 30s, 40s, 50s, or beyond. Many people in Atlanta want to look younger and age more gracefully, minimizing the signs of getting older.
Facelift surgery is an excellent procedure to eliminate unwanted wrinkles and sagging jawlines. It repositions underlying tissue that has descended due to gravity and collagen loss, leaving supple and smooth skin behind. But at what age should you start to consider having this cosmetic enhancement?
Age Is Only a Number
Though most people associate a facelift with middle age, subtler outcomes are a noteworthy advantage of having this procedure when younger. If you struggle with natural aging signs like wrinkles and jowls, a facelift can enhance your appearance without dramatic lifting or repositioning. You’ll look younger and more beautiful by turning back the clock.
Also, when you’re younger, you can bounce back more quickly from surgery because your skin regenerates vital components like collagen and elastin at a higher rate. Most people shy away from the idea of looking overdone, so getting a facelift before more drastic changes set in is an excellent way to achieve an understated outcome.
Post-40s Facelift
Even if you’re over 40, you aren’t too late to get the optimal benefits of a facelift. On the contrary, lifting sagging skin in the lower two-thirds of your face can make you look up to a decade younger. In addition, individually approaching and addressing the effects of aging ensures you will achieve a beautifully refreshed appearance.
Complementary Procedures to Enhance Results
The fabulous thing about improving your facial aesthetics is that multiple procedures can target specific areas for comprehensive rejuvenation. For example, a brow lift can eliminate that permanent furrow, or blepharoplasty can resolve hooded eyes and prominent undereye bags. Meanwhile, jawline surgery can slim and contour your jawline for a more feminine appearance.
Are You Ready for a Facelift Now?
The bottom line is that the perfect age for a facelift depends on your unique cosmetic concerns and facial anatomy. The best way to learn if a facelift is right for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Carson to learn if you are ready for a facelift or if a non-surgical solution is better for you.
If you have been considering facelift surgery and want more information about your facial appearance, contact our friendly staff in Atlanta by calling (678) 412-0311 or requesting a consultation online.